How to Heal Hemorrhoids

It can be said that everyone has hemorrhoids. These are groups of swollen veins that can be found just below the mucous membranes that line the lowest region of the anus and rectum. Although quite painful, it is not normally a serious condition. A person may experience internal hemorrhoids which involve the swelling of tissue inside the anal canal; or external hemorrhoids, in which the tissue swells close to the opening of the anus. It is possible to have both conditions simultaneously.

Understanding Hemorrhoids Causes

Hemorrhoids usually develop as a result of excessive strain on the veins in the rectum and pelvis. The increasing pressure causes blood to pool in these blood vessels, after which they swell.  Gradually, the veins will become so swollen that it will cause the surrounding tissue to swell, resulting in hemorrhoids.

1.       Pressure

When too much pressure is applied to the veins in the rectal and pelvic area hemorrhoids may arise. Under normal conditions the tissue in the anus fills with blood during bowel movements. However, straining while on the toilet will cause the vessels to become stretched.

2.       Diarrhea or Constipation

When you are suffering from either diarrhea or constipation you are more likely to strain which puts pressure on the blood vessel in the anus.

3.       Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids are quite common during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters. This is a result of the excess strain on the blood vessels in the pelvis. These hemorrhoids are usually worsened during labor when the woman strains to push the baby out.

4.       Obesity

Having excessive weight can cause you to develop hemorrhoids.

Knowing Hemorrhoids Symptoms and Possible Complications

The signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids are several and varied. The sufferer may experience any of the following: blood during bowel movements which is painless; irritation or itchiness in the anus, discomfort or pain, swelling in the anal region, a sensitive or painful lump near the anus or uncontrollable passage of feces. You may notice small amounts of blood on the tissue when you wipe or in the toilet.

It is rare to experience complications with hemorrhoids. However, these include either cases of anemia or a condition known as strangulated hemorrhoid. Anemia usually results from chronic blood loss from hemorrhoids. The sufferer will likely feel weak and very tired. A strangulated hemorrhoid occurs when there is blockage of blood supply to an internal hemorrhoid. This is very painful and can result in gangrene.

How to Heal Hemorrhoids

Most cases of hemorrhoids are not usually severe. Therefore, with proper treatment, many people recover well from hemorrhoids and may not experience any further symptoms in the future. There are a few methods of treatment available which depend on the severity of the condition.

1.       Home Remedies for Healing Hemorrhoids

  • Eat high-fiber foods

Include more whole grains, fruits and vegetables into your diet. These will effectively help you to avoid straining as it will soften stools and increase its bulk.

  • Drink enough fluids

Include more fluids into your diet. Drinking between six and eight glasses of water as well as other liquids will help to soften stools. Try to avoid alcohol as much as possible.

  • Squat, don’t sit

This is very important but often overlooked. Sitting during a bowel movement is more likely to put severe strain on the rectum whereas squatting allows for a straighter rectum with a more relaxed puborectalis muscle.

  • Keep the anal area clean

Clean the anal area thoroughly with a moistened tissue or baby wipe. Do this gently to avoid irritating the area.

  • Take a warm bath

Fill your bathtub to about 10cm in height with warm water. Sit in this with your knees raised for about 15 minutes. You may also add some Epsom salts to help ease the pain and irritation in your anal area.

  • Apply topical creams

Topical creams especially those containing Corticosteroids or lidocaine can do wonders for healing hemorrhoids and relieving pain and discomfort. Such creams are readily accessible over the counter from your local drugstore.

  • Apply a warm, wet teabag

Place a warm teabag over the anal area while sitting on the toilet. The warmth of the tea bag will help to soothe. Teabags also contain tannins which are natural astringents that will work towards lessening any pain or swelling.

  • Use witch hazel

Witch hazel is an all-natural substance which is rich in tannins. Tannins are of course very effective in reducing swelling and pain. You may wipe the area with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel or use wipes which contain witch hazel in place of toilet tissue.

2.       Professional Treatments for Healing Hemorrhoids




One of the oldest forms of treatment, scleotherapy involves injecting either quinine urea or phenol into the base of the hemorrhoid. Swelling and then scarring will occur. This can be painful, but the discomfort will subside by the next day. Symptoms may reoccur after a few years and so further treatment will be necessary.

Rubber band ligation

This can be a more reliable treatment than scleotherapy which involves encircling the base of the hemorrhoid with an elastic band affixed tightly in order to cut circulation. The cells in the hemorrhoid eventually die and are then replaced by an ulcer which heals shortly afterwards. Symptoms often recur with this method and so further treatment is needed. Mild pain and bleeding up to two weeks following are usually common.

Heat coagulation

Heat treatments that are effective in killing hemorrhoids include bipolar diathermy, infrared photocoagulation and direct-current electrotherapy. These methods increase the chances of inflammation and ultimately scarring of the tissue involved. Pain is less frequent than with other methods, although bleeding is likely to occur.


In this procedure the extra growth of tissue which is causing the bleeding is removed. This is the best method for treating severe and recurring hemorrhoids. However, be warned that besides the pain involved, there are several complications that may arise, the most prevalent of which is urinary tract infections and difficulty urinating.

Stapled hemorrhoidectomy

Stapling is a less painful method of destroying a hemorrhoid than directly cutting it off. It blocks the direct blood flow to the tissue which eventually results in its shrinkage and death. Patients usually heal from this method quicker as well. However, there is a greater chance of the hemorrhoids returning and of rectal prolapse.

Watch a video to know more home remedies for healing hemorrhoids: