Hands and Feet
What Causes Tingling and Cold Hands?
Should you start to worry when you experience cold as well as tingling hands? This article will show you the possible health conditions related to them.
What Causes Tingling Feeling in Your Right Arm?
Tingling in the right arm may result from pressure upon it or serious conditions such as neck injury or multiple sclerosis. Seek medical help in time in case it worsens.
Bottom of Feet Peeling: Causes and Treatments
Bottom of feet peeling can be caused by many factors, such as skin buildup, sunburn, etc. Treat the underlying causes first, and then try home remedies to deal with this condition.
Cornmeal Soak for Toe Fungus
Cornmeal soak for toe fungus is effective if you do it properly. Some other natural remedies such as apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil can also work wonders for toe fungus.
Foot Blister Care
Foot blister can be painful and annoying. Try foot blister care here. Whether take medication or care it at home, it may take some times, but your pain will be relieved quickly.
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
Hand, foot and mouth disease is usually a minor illness that typically affects infants and children under five years. It is infectious, but treatable and preventable with a few simple tips.
Ingrown Toenail
An ingrown toenail can be a big nuisance, and if you are not careful, it will become a big problem. Learn how to treat and prevent ingrown toenail.